Pandora and Recession

October 16, 2009

Ever wondered how well the jewelry trade was faring, with all of the current economic problems everyone is having. Well, it seems that they’re having to re-adjust their tactics too, and what was once rarely carried in jewelry stores–silver jewelry–is now taking up much more space on their shelves and showcases.

This is part of the reason why jewelry like Pandora charm bracelets, or Chamilia charm bracelets are now so popular. People can’t afford to buy expensive gold jewelry any more, so they’re turning to cheaper yet still very attractive jewelry.  You can read all about it in the Silver Lining: Retail Jewelers Discover Affordable Jewelry.

Pandora Wood Beads

October 16, 2009

In case you haven’t noticed yet, Pandora Jewelry just released five new all-wood beads, and they’re fantastic. They’re actually made to support the save-the-endangered-forests movement, so these new beads are actually made from some of these very same endangered trees.  They really are lovely, they look a lot like the murano glass beads in shape and style, only instead of being made from murano glass, it’s hard-wood.

The woods range in color from so dark brown it almost looks black, to a very light, yellowy looking wood.  Prices are pretty reasonable to, I believe they’re around $35 to $40. They’ll look really great on the newly released leather bracelet that just came out with the Fall 2009 releases.

Speaking of which…the new Fall 2009 Pandora charms are out in the shops. Not much fanfare was made about them this time around, though I noticed that they are in the shops now, and they look great. Can’t wait to actually get my hands on some of them and have a good look at them.  By the same token, they recently retired a whole slew of beads too, so if you’re interested in taking a look at the retired Pandora charms, please do so.  If there’s any in particular that you’d like you really should probably grab them up now, while stocks last.

What’s Your Favorite Pandora Charm?

May 25, 2009

Mine, at the moment, is the Pandora grape charm.  It’s a really well made little sterling silver charm, with a semi-precious stone hanging from it. It’s lovely. If you’re interested you can go on line and check out the latest Spring 2009 Pandora Charms released and you’ll find it listed there, as it was just newly released in April.

The bead itself is a cluster of grapes with vine leaves, and the stones used are amethyst for the purple grapes and peridot for the green grapes. Incidentally, for anyone who’s wondering, a peridot is a variety of chrysolite, and it’s also August’s birthstone.

So, if you’re looking for a summer charm to add to your Pandora charm bracelets you might want to check out the new Pandora grape charms as they really are well made and cute.  They’re much more realistic looking that the other fruit charms Pandora has released and they have a real classy look to them.

Spell it with Pandora Charms

May 18, 2009

Like to add your name to your Pandora bracelet?  Well, you can do just that with the latest Alphabet Pandora Charms.   There are silver, or silver and gold charms. The silver and gold charms have the actual letter of the alphabet in gold, which adds a nice touch to the bracelet.

Some girls like to add their boyfriend’s name on their bracelet, by spelling it out with the pandora charms.  Its a bit expensive, especially if your boyfriend has a long name.  Other friends like to give gifts of the name spelled out in the charms to their friends, boys to their girlfriends, or parents to their children. It really is a nice thing to do.

Alternatively you can spell out any word and add it to the bracelet, or even spell out the intials of your High School or your favorite football club–anything really. It’s up to you how creative you are with these alphabet charms.

What’s the Latest Pandora Charm?

May 13, 2009

Spring 2009 Pandora Charms hit the shops last April, and sales have apparently been going well in spite of the poor economy.  It seems that no matter what is happening worldwide economically there is always still plenty of money around for buying jewelry.

The latest Pandora charm selection featured many new beads, including some very cute new handbags and clutch bags, andpink, vibrant red, green, warm brown, blue and a brand  new black Murano beads.

For the animal selection, a new elephant and horse graced the charm scene.

Then there were the clusters of grapes and the hanging puzzle pieces, which I, incidentally, found a particularly fascinating new concept.

Aside from these there were various other beads newly released, all of which are now available in either jewelry shops or they can be bought on line too.

I’m very much looking forward to the next selection of Pandora charms. I haven’t heard yet, when they’ll be released but it is my hope that they will release another batch of charms towards the end of this year, 2009.